Combining sustainability with energy efficiency – The hybrid passive house
The model home of the Luxembourg-based construction company, Arend & Fischbach, which was built under the “massive passive“ label, has a trailblazing design aimed at ...
The model home of the Luxembourg-based construction company, Arend & Fischbach, which was built under the “massive passive“ label, has a trailblazing design aimed at ...
As the first European pre-fab home manufacturer, this year, WeberHaus will integrate Apple HomeKit into its SmartHomes. WeberHaus has been offering an intelligent home control ...
If you are starting to make your home smarter, a smart plug would be a wise beginning. Combining elegant in appearance with functionality, the NodOn® ...
With its tried-and-tested series of EnOcean warning devices, AFRISO has made it possible to minimize risks in home and building systems for many years. In ...
If the proverb, “cobbler, stick to your trade”, is to be believed, technogeeks should program their HomeKit worlds while electrical equipment retailers should install home ...
Efficiency is becoming more and more important in the areas of energy consumption and monitoring these days. The “emon” portable plug & play solution is ...
Schwabenhaus has opened a new model house in Günzburg. Along with environmentally safe construction materials and healthy fit-out materials, the home uses innovative building and ...
Some critics of modern wireless systems for building management or the Internet of Things believe that wireless is not as secure as cable. Wireless is ...
As a leading manufacturer of EnOcean-based sensors in China, SECO has developed several new products for its intelligent building and smart home solution. Indoor air quality ...
Chengdu, known as the Land of Abundance, has always enticed people to come to this major city in Western China. Mansion Wenrode is located in ...