EnOcean controllers with embedded web server make retrofit easy
Issue 01-2015:
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In hotels and offices, the necessity to operate quickly with minimum interruption in services is an essential factor. EnOcean devices such as occupancy sensors, temperature sensors, actuators, etc. managed by EnOcean controllers with embedded web server not only are quick to install but also realize local and central control.
Reference projects prove that the time required for retrofitting a hotel room with EnOcean technology ranges between half an hour and two hours, meaning that the room will be available the same day. An additional major request in retrofit project is the visualization of controlled rooms or offices; this is useful to program operation modes and temperature set-points as well as to controlenergy consumption, comfort and warnings.
Web-based control
The ALTECON SH024WS-EO web server allows users to control temperature and lights via their own PC. The screen visualizes switching on/off and dimming lights; a virtual thermostat allows for changing set-point and speeds. The virtual thermostat can operate like a real one but it only needs a low-cost temperature sensor. In a hotel room, the guest is authorized to directly control lights and temperature via the web server. When the guest leaves the room, all lights will be switched off and the temperature set-points changed to energy-saving mode.
HVAC control
The ALTECON SH324 fan coil controller connects fan coils that need three outputs for speeds and one or two outputs for valves; a 0-10V output is available for the inverter type. Two analog inputs for probes measure the ambience temperature (to perform the thermostat function) and pipe temperature (to recognize warming or cooling). Splits are normally controlled by an IR remote control. The ALTECON SH320AC-R EnOcean Split controller sends IR commands to the split. That way, the original remote control is substituted for another one that sends commands to the central controller that will repeat, if permitted, to the split.
Lighting controll
The EnOcean controller is able to control the switching of lights depending on the actual need. In hotel rooms, lighting is only switched on if people are detected. The same functionality applies for an office scenario: the lighting is switched and dimmed depending on the presence of people. The advanced ALTECON SH445 and SH445LMRP controllers can detect people, measure light levels and control switch mode and/or dimming.
The SH445 slave is equipped with two 0-10V outputs, one 230V/3A power output (hybrid relay: static and electromechanical), one input line to verify if the controlled lights operate properly, one interface to EnOcean that receives commands from light sensors or the SH445LMRP controller. The SH445LMRP (master) is also equipped with a luxmeter and motion sensor to detect people and/or vehicles.
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