Time for a more efficient classroom
Issue 01-2019:
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As schools across the US discuss their budgets for the coming years they face a tough reality, school systems are getting older, energy costs are rising and districts typically have very little budget increase. So how can a school district help alleviate some of the challenges associated with these realities? Lighting and HVAC automation bring some of the fastest paybacks with multiple long term benefits and installing a battery free solution can drive down those maintenance requirements even further.
EnOcean, and our partners, create lighting and HVAC solutions that work to reduce the energy consumed by the school, create a more productive and positive environment for the students and teachers as well as reducing ongoing maintenance costs.
There are a variety of short and long term benefits to adding LED lights and automating existing HVAC systems within aging infrastructure. Aside from the budget benefits we also see the following:
The installation of the controllers can be completed in the light fixture factory, meaning the installer will only need to connect power to the fixture then install a switch and sensor in the space. The linking of the switches and sensors to the fixtures is simple and fast with most classrooms being linked and configured in less than 10 minutes.
Simply put, the school will consume less energy, which translates into reduced expenditures against a budget line item.
In addition to the low maintenance and extra-long lifespan of LED lights themselves, the EnOcean switches and sensors can also offer maintenance free operation. As a battery free solution the technicians will never be chasing dead batteries.
Installing lighting sensors and switches in classrooms means you now have data your HVAC system can use to become more efficient. Using the new motion detector in the room you can send a message to the HVAC to reduce the airflow or energy requirements for that room during unoccupied times. Using a schedule based HVAC strategy the rooms will be heated and cooled on a weekday holiday while no one is attending classes… the occupancy sensor can communicate with the system to let it know the school is vacant.
Students perform better under LED lights than they do under fluorescent lights. Multiple studies show students attention is improved.
Easyfit controls can be installed in both new and retrofit lighting solutions. When used in combination with a retrofit kit the possibility of Asbestos disruption is significantly minimized. In majority of installations access is never required above the ceiling plane, leaving the possible asbestos untouched and eliminating the need for abatement and the massive costs associated with this effort.
The districts which have chosen to install EnOcean based systems have reported these benefits and more, while they continue to expand the scope with which they use the Easyfit system.
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