Fully connected: Heating as the hub of a smart home
Issue 01-2019:
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Anyone who wants to intelligently control their heating system usually thinks this means regulating the radiator or the floor heater. But the entire system plays a role. The smart home solution from Kermi therefore incorporates all heating components, such as heat generation and storage, along with home ventilation.
As another plus point, the heating system can become the central control element for additional building system components, which can be easily integrated, thanks to the open EnOcean interface.
Smart control of all heating components
The Kermi smart home solution makes it possible to set various timer programs – from home or while on the road, using a browser interface. At the heart of the solution is the x-center base energy and comfort manager, which communicates the desired temperature for the particular room to the corresponding radiator or floor heater wirelessly or over a cable connection.
The operation of the x-change heat pump, including heat storage and any PV power integration that may be present is coordinated in the background and optimized for the actual heat demand. The controlled x-well domestic ventilation system can also be integrated and controlled together with the heating system. Heat and fresh air supply can thus be intelligently combined, and, through this interaction, ensure an optimum room climate.
Thinking ahead: Getting started with the smart home
Smart heating also means that the system thinks for itself and automatically detects relevant situations in order to increase efficiency and comfort. If the heat input in the room increases due to sunlight or a large group of people, x-center base predictively adjusts the heat supply.
The comfort and energy manager from Kermi can also become a smart home’s central control element for builders and renovators. After all, also products of other manufacturers can be integrated via the open EnOcean interface and controlled together – from window contacts to blinds.

Kermi Smart Home intelligently interconnects the heating system components as well as additional home functions via the open EnOcean interface.
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