The intelligent connection between the car and the house
Issue 02-2015:
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With myGEKKO Slide & Drive, users can take home today’s eMobile concepts and add a variety of attractive options: from time-controlled home automation functions using informative trend recordings and the optimized use of energy resources in the house to load management of their own electric cars (eMobile).
myGEKKO Slide & Drive seamlessly integrates the car into the building by connecting all load management functionalities with the systems in the house. Thus, users can take advantage of synergies and optimally manage and use available resources. Additional information like “How much energy do I currently use in my house?” or “How much energy will be produced in the coming days?”, for example, enable a more effi cient and better calculable charge and energy management.
Sun in the tank
Residents can increase the yield of their photovoltaic system by using directly produced energy for charging the car. Based on the weather forecast, they also receive a forecast on the expected energy production for the next few days. Thus, the load cycles can be handled more cost-effectively and efficiently.
Household under control
In addition to intelligent and efficient load management, electric devices can be connected via wireless smart plugs. myGEKKO takes over the function of the device manager: it organizes and distributes the available energy and capacity and ensures smooth, efficient and cost-effective charge and household workflows (washing machine, dryer etc.).
Energy in balance
Energy consumption and associated costs are clearly displayed in trend curves and in weekly or monthly reports. Thus, users can get an overview of the energy balance, can
save energy efficiently and can quickly identify and eliminate energy guzzlers.
Standby devices can be easily and automatically switched off, for example, via time clocks or when leaving the house. In addition to energy conservation, the devices’ deactivation reduces the electromagnetic pollution in the rooms, which is particularly recommended for the bedroom and children’s rooms.
The tenants can conveniently manage and control all load, energy and devices management functionalities at home or remotely via smart phone.
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