climaView – smart solution for monitoring energy and climate
Issue 02-2015:
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When talking about increasing of energy efficiency in buildings and improving indoor climate, systematic data processing is of paramount importance. climaView displays all relevant measuring values – from temperature and brightness to CO2 – through one system.
Mr. Gaida, Mr. Neudecker what is the approach of climaView?
Siegfried Gaida: By means of our wireless EasySens sensors we took several measurements in schools. Instead of various individual values, we were eager to offer a comfortable overall summary to our customers. As a web based solution, climaView enables a compact display and analysis of the different components and building technology data on a PC. This data was previously detected via our EasySens transmitters and receivers.
Frank Neudecker: To comprehensively monitor the indoor climate, the advantages of this kind of compact data processing system are not to be sneezed at. Especially in big buildings people very often complain about the climate being “too warm, too cold, too dry”. climaview provides objective data and summarizes it clearly. This forms the basis for sound monitoring of energy efficiency according to DIN 50001.
Siegfried Gaida: Nontheless, climaView is much more than an instrument for monitoring energy efficiency. People spend almost 90% of their life in buildings. Therefore, it is very important to create a convenient indoor climate, focusing on the well-being and health of people. For example, a workplace with 800 lux meets the common requirements, but in fact people require an increased level of brightness to feel well and work efficiently.
What are the main features of climaView?
Frank Neudecker: climaView works holistically. It provides several data in one single system, makes contexts recognizable and leads to convincing results. For example climaView shows whether a drop in temperature in a room has a technical cause or if a window was opened.
During development, we focused on the best possible simplicity and effectiveness: As the climaView wireless solution can be installed within a very short time. Thanks to the wireless connection, an optimum location of the sensors is no problem at all – even on glass surfaces or in the middle of the room, where more reliable data of the indoor room temperature can be received than at the entrance door.
Moreover, it is possible to carry out remote commissioning via airConfig – our software adapted for our EasySens product line. Various parameters of every device can be comfortably configured on the PC and wirelessly transmitted to the receiver, including transmitting the same configuration to several receivers, which saves time and reduces possible sources of error.
Who is the target group for climaView?
Frank Neudecker: climaView is an ideal solution for energy consultants, building operators and planners as well as real property owners and facility managers. climaView does not only enable valuable information for the analysis of single buildings but also allows a direct comparison of different properties. Bigger companies might thus identify the reasons why location A is more energy-efficient than location B.
Siegfried Gaida: We do not want to limit climaView to this target group. People are more conscious of their health. They would like to know what kind of environment they live in and how to increase their well-being. Therefore, climaView might also be an interesting solution for owner-occupied houses and flats.
Are there any initial plans for a real-life test of climaView?
Siegfried Gaida: Absolutely, for example, an Austrian textile chain plans to investigate howf the climatic conditions in their shops influence the buying patterns of their clients. No one wants to stay in a place where the air is bad, and it’s no fun to try on clothes if the changing rooms are too hot.
Have you thought about extending the climaView range of features?
Siegfried Gaida: Indeed, we are already working on adding new features. Topics such as fine dust and noise are important subjects for the future and make it difficult to open windows in large cities with high traffic volumes. For such applications, we are discussing, internally as well as with potential users, the development of new sensors that would be worthwhile additions to the climaview concept. for example, one of our clients came up with the idea of launching a project that would deal with noise protection.
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