Smart Building

Full networking increases comfort and security

Author: BURG F.W. Lüling KG
Issue 02-2017: read all articles online read as pdf

Cloud-based software that makes it possible to monitor individual locks has been added to Burg‘s electronic locking systems with EnOcean technology for  lockers in sports and wellness facilities.

Reliable remote control

The system makes it possible to monitor all electronic locks in an installation at a glance. An operator with more than one installation can combine his data. All lock functions can be set by remote control. EnOcean is the wireless protocol of choice, since it consumes very little energy and provides encryption.

Burg Full networking increases comfort and security

BURG networks its electronic locking systems and makes it possible to visualize the status of each individual locker lock digitally.

TCM 515 Inside

TCM 515, the latest generation of continuously powered transceiver modules, enables new applications for the EnOcean radio standard, thanks to increased computing power, lower power consumption and a smaller form factor.

Networking with the cloud

Not only do clearly organized graphics make it possible to see which lockers are open and which are closed, but statistics can also be generated in real time. If desired, the system will furthermore send a push notification of events at individual locks to a mobile phone. Thanks to the EnOcean technology, the data can be transferred to the software via a GSM module.

Burg Full networking increases comfort and security

Fully networked: Each lock transmits its status wirelessly and increases comfort and security in the fitness studio.

About Perpetuum

Perpetuum is EnOcean's customer magazine focusing on solutions and products for energy harvesting technology. The technology delivers the data for the Internet of Things in a resource-saving, self-powered and maintenance-free way. In doing so, it enables the smart use of buildings, cities and industrial plants. In the categories Internet of Things, Smart Building, Smart Lighting and Smart Home the EnOcean's partners in particular have their say highlighting their expertise.

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