Smart technology from the basement to the roof – the dream of owning your own smart home
Issue 02-2017:
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Many people dream of owning their own home. As the technology grows so does the desire for a smart home. This can be accomplished without complications with the aid of smart systems based on EnOcean technology and networking them with other technologies such as Apple® HomeKit™.
Personalized and flexible, thanks to wireless technology
The smart OPUSgreenNet building system from Jäger Direkt increases everyday comfort and flexibility in the Fischbach family‘s new house. The lights as well as the heating and shutters/blinds can be controlled individually and without complications based on the EnOcean Technology.

Freely positionable OPUSgreenNet wall switch for lighting control.
To minimize the amount of maintenance work required for the different devices, when it came to choosing a smart home solution, the owners quickly selected a self-powered solution with the EnOcean wireless standard, since a wired installation would have been much more expensive and too inflexible. During installation, not a single light switch was wired in the conventional way to simplify planning and avoid having to determine the position of these switches as many as two years before the family moved in. Only the outlets had to be determined. The wireless and self-powered switches for controlling the lights and shutters, as well as motion detectors and thermostats, were placed only after moving day, which meant they could be relocated individually later on. This made it possible to save time and money during installation as well as increase flexibility and comfort in terms of the room use.

Control via Apple HomeKit in a wall docking station from OPUS.
Welcome to the smart home
The smart technology starts right in the entrance to the home: For example, when the mailman rings the bell, the Doorbird intercom routes the signal to all connected smart phones, regardless of their location. This makes it possible to respond to the mailman even if the homeowner is out shopping. A visual display in the hallway provides reliable information about the status of the entrance and terrace doors, triggered by window sensors as well as EnOcean REG actuators from Eltako. The self-powered SecuSignal® window handles from Hoppe provide additional protection against intruders by transmitting a signal directly to the smart phone if the window is undesirably opened.

Visual display of the status of the terrace doors or the entrance door via EnOcean REG actuator. Red is open, off is closed.
The temperature in the guest room is conveniently regulated with an Afriso wall thermostat and thus ensures a pleasant room climate. The shutters and lights in the bedroom are controlled with a flexible OPUSgreenNet switch directly on the bed. The lights in the bathroom can also be conveniently con
trolled from the tub using a self-powered wall transmitter. The maintenance-free technology is also used in the conservatory. The self-powered thanos room control unit from Thermokon makes it possible to control the temperature as needed and also has eight more functions for controlling lights and shutters.

Temperature control via Afriso wall thermostat. Roller shutter and lighting control via OPUS® switch design Inform
Smart networking
The user-friendly MyHomeControl software from BootUp makes it possible to visualize all functions in the house and also to implement other complex features, such as photovoltaic or ventilation systems as well as preconfigured scenarios. The system also takes into account the latest trends, and numerous functions in the house are controlled from a smart phone, thanks to Apple HomeKit. The Apple Home app is one of the possible applications that permit easy remote access or the configuration of very simple rules. If one forgets to turn off the lights upon leaving the house, this can be done from the road with little effort. Thanks to Apple’s Siri®, all HomeKit functions can even be switched directly by voice control, e.g. by issuing the command, “Siri, I’m leaving the house”. One could hardly wish for more comfort or energy efficiency.

Full overview also in case of absence: When the doorbell rings, the Doorbirdintercom routes the signal to all connected smartphones. With the help of an appropriate app, residents can also answer when they are out of home.
The ease with which it is possible to get started with a smart home is made clear on the basis of this practical example. With all the possible solutions in today’s smart world, it is nevertheless essential to plan such a smart home in detail, find a suitable retailer and finally clearly document the project. Starting with a simple automation solution, open systems can then be expanded flexibly at any time. With these simple prerequisites, homeowners can gradually fulfill their dream of owning their very own smart home – according to their own specific needs.

Cozy living room: The kitchen and the dining room are equipped with InnoGreen LED stripes in the stucco of the ceiling, the control takes place over the Casambi app.
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