Climate control at its best
Issue 02-2017:
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Since 1962, the Swiss confectioner Läderach offers premium handmade Swiss chocolate specialities to gourmets all over the world. The pleasure the company derives from quality sets it apart not only in developing new compositions but also in distributing and presenting goods in more than 50 chocolate boutiques in Switzerland and abroad. For this purpose, various boutiques were equipped with the self-powered wireless sensor system EasySens® from Thermokon. To keep the chocolate safely stored in the boutiques, a 24/7 climate control was required.
For the perfect sensation of taste, the products of the premium chocolate confectioner depend on constant room conditions. In order to control the climate conditions in the boutiques around the clock, Läderach was looking for a solution that would maximize reliability, minimize installation costs and maintain high flexibility. Data monitoring was centralized in Switzerland to relieve the local sales staff’s workload. High priority was given to the use of a standardized wireless protocol enabling the possibility for retrofit upgrades and extension in addition to the benefits of a proven technology.
Building Automation with EnOcean-based Technology
The system integrator, Soltris GmbH, decided to use the self-powered wireless EasySens® devices from Thermokon. Based on the EnOcean technology, EasySens® offers the prerequisites for a fast and easy installation and provides highest possible flexibility with regards to specific sensor locations. In this case, IT Läderach was responsible for the implementation and commissioning.
The sensors were selected based on the individual application: The temperature sensor SR65 was chosen for measuring the outdoor temperature in the entrance areas of the boutiques, the wall-mounted room sensor SR04 for a permanent measurement of air temperature in the warehouse as well as the combined temperature/humidity sensor SR04rH for perfect ambient conditions in the sales rooms. The Thermokon repeater SRE – also part of the complete solution – guarantees the needed radio range from the bidirectional Thermokon gateway STC-Ethernet to the sensors, covering even longer distances.
Thanks to the wireless EnOcean technology, the installation costs could be reduced to a minimum. Several sensors in the indoor area could be assembled by means of an adhesive foil. Only the outdoor temperature sensor had to be screwed to ensure resistance against environmental impacts. The gateway, transmitting the measured values via an internal network to the Läderach headquarters in the Swiss canton Glarus, is installed invisibly for visitors in the back office.
Numerous climate data always in focus
Monitoring, evaluation and control of the climate data is guaranteed 24/7 through the headquarters in Switzerland. On site, several measured data are imported into the building automation system iBricks and are graphically displayed. Because all measured data is continuously updated, fast response times
and contemporary interventions are guaranteed. In case of deviations to predefined set temperatures, the system automatically generates an e-mail to the client service in charge. Furthermore, several data are saved for quality assurance in addition.
The Thermokon solution has proven highly reliable in daily operations. Daniel Schmidt, project manager at Läderach, also appreciates the EasySens® system due to its energyharvesting technology reducing the maintenance costs significantly. In addition to the already retrofitted 47 Läderach boutiques, more boutiques will soon being upgraded with the EasySens® solution.