Shining light on the impossible
Issue 02-2019:
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The United States Air Force has a saying: “We do the impossible every day.” To showcase this incredible Air Force technology and history, the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum in Denver, Colorado provides a 182,000 square foot hanger facility filled with aircrafts, space vehicles, uniforms and memorabilia on display. Recently Energy Harness Corporation (EHC), a lighting manufacturer and nation-wide lighting distributor, upgraded the facility to modern LED lighting utilizing a self-powered wireless control system based on EnOcean energy harvesting technology.
LED lighting
When the time came to upgrade lights in the main hangar, main expo center and exterior of the building, the Energy Harness team was able to successfully handle the project from start to finish. EHC lighting consultants worked with museum staff to select the most efficient Energy Harness LED products for this upgrade, and the installation team replaced the facility’s outdated fixtures in a productive and timely manner. Along with circular high bays, wall packs, flood lights and interior flat panel lights, EHC also installed wireless controls that enable the museum to adjust the light levels across the facility. The flexibility and control of the new LED fixtures provides the perfect lighting for all aspects of what this museum has to offer. They also use about 60 percent less energy than the originally installed, traditional lighting and will save the museum over 31,000 US dollars per year. Consequently, the upgrade will pay for itself in just 26 months.
Monitoring and adjusting the brightness
The converted airplane hangar has large windows which allow a great deal of natural light to shine inside the museum. This means that the lights do not always need to be powered at full brightness. To be even more energy efficient, Energy Harness teamed up with EnOcean to provide both “wireless dimming controls” and a “daylight harvesting system.” This system measures the amount of daylight in the facility and automatically adjusts the brightness of the light fixtures to their desired strength. This feature will save the museum time and money by automatically monitoring and adjusting the brightness as needed.
The LED lighting upgrade is a huge benefit to the museum. Being selected to upgrade a facility of such significance was a meaningful opportunity for Energy Harness Corporation and EnOcean. Thanks to them, this extraordinary museum will be able to shine light on the impossible for many years to come.
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