A smart partnership to support return-to-work protocols using wireless sensors
Issue 02-2020:
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The partnership between Pressac, a sensor manufacturer, and Matrix Booking, a workplace management software provider, is designed to relieve the headache of managing new return-to-work practices by helping facilities and building managers to comply with social distancing requirements, maximum occupancy guidelines and increased cleaning demands.
As part of the EnOcean Alliance, Pressac produces smart sensors to monitor a range of factors in the workplace. These sensors can provide crucial real-time data for return-to-work practices, including when a workspace is occupied, when it becomes unoccupied and needs cleaning, and when it has been reserved but not used.
The small wireless occupancy sensors can simply be stuck onto the underside of a desk or table or on a wall so that the office does not look any different and there is no need to drill holes or wire them in. The data is sent securely via the EnOcean protocol to Pressac’s gateway, which converts it into the easy-to-use JSON format and makes it available in the cloud. This enables Matrix Booking to easily integrate real-time sensor data in order to ensure the correct maximum occupancy in workspaces and to develop cleaning regimes while the guidelines are in place.
But this partnership also offers strong longterm solutions that take organizations into the new post-COVID-19 working world. “It’s a fact that remote working is now a way of office life, as it has proven to work well for many staff and employers alike,” says Matrix Booking Director, Joe Harris. “New logistical challenges will likely be in managing potentially smaller workspaces with flexible occupancy. Having accurate, real-time data can help businesses develop tailored long-term strategies.”
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