Improving hospital logistics with IoT
Not knowing where things are can be inconvenient at best. In hospitals, not having wheelchairs, beds and infusion pumps available at the right time can impede the required daily care. University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC) initiated the pilot project UFOund to tackle this problem in a user experience center. First they tagged their equipment and […]

Human-centric lighting in nursing homes
Human-centric lighting (HCL) applies the interplay between natural light and its biological effect to all interior spaces, brings daylight into the building and supplements it with artificial light with the right brightness and color temperature for every situation.* Effect in the healthcare sector Cool while light with a high light intensity of up to 1,600 […]

Turn on the lights with an accessible click
A self-powered EnOcean switch controls the LED light on HEWI tilting mirrors via Bluetooth HEWI offers its new LED Plus tilting mirror with a self-powered EnOcean wireless switch. It meets HEWI’s high standards for accessible, retrofittable solutions, thanks to maintenance-free energy harvesting technology and flexible positioning. HEWI, a global supplier of hardware and sanitary systems, […]

Behind the scenes at a spa
The well-known Prätschli winter sports hotel reigns supreme high above the Swiss ski resort of Arosa. During the course of modernization work, an alpine spa was added whose lighting, shading and room heating functions are controlled via the Omnio wireless bus system. The 650 square-meter wellness and beauty area of Hotel Prätschli in Arosa was […]

The Smart City – digital capacity utilization of parking spaces
Inner-city motorists have to expect long delays when looking for a parking spot, especially during rush hour, since these spaces are often rare and difficult to find. The Smart City concept of the Munich, Germany-based high-tech startup ParkHere includes a smart solution to make the process of parking a lot more convenient. The ParkHere solution […]

Leppäkosken Sähkö: Bilanz von einem Jahr Solarenergie und Energieeinsparung
Mit der Nutzung von Sonnenenergie, neuen Wärmetauschern und einer intelligenten Heizungssteuerung mit Micropelt Stellantrieben ist der Gesamtenergieverbrauch des Bürogebäudes des Energieunternehmens Leppäkosken Sähkö in Ikaalinen (Finnland) um fast 30 Prozent gesunken. Am Bürogebäude in Ikaalinen wurden im Herbst 2017 mehrere Sonnenkollektoren und Solarthermie-Paneele in Betrieb genommen. Der außergewöhnlich kalte Jahresanfang sowie der warme und sonnige […]

Predictive maintenance – early detection of imminent breakdowns
In classic building automation installations, sensors have been reliably controlling shading systems and light controllers as well as heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) for many years, based on the detected data. Linked with the Internet of Things (IoT), today’s sensors not only supply data but also form nothing less than the basis for digitalizing […]

Predictive Maintenance – frühzeitig wissen, was bald kaputtgeht
In der klassischen Gebäudeautomation steuern seit vielen Jahren Sensoren auf Basis der erfassten Daten zuverlässig Beschattungssysteme, die Lichtsteuerung sowie die Heiz-, Klima- und Lüftungstechnik (HKL). In Verknüpfung mit dem Internet of Things (IoT) liefern Sensoren heute nicht nur Daten, sondern bilden nicht weniger als die Grundlage für die Digitalisierung von Gebäuden und technischen Anlagen. Ging […]

EPBD 2018 – The European building directive has been amended. What now?
The EU gets serious and tightens the thumbscrews: Buildings are to be CO2-neutral by 2050, and this is already leading to a number of stricter requirements in the coming years, especially where building automation is concerned. The EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) establishes requirements for buildings, which are to be implemented by EU member […]

Rutronik gains EnOcean as a partner for wireless products
Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH is adding EnOcean’s products to its wireless portfolio. Rutronik is the third-largest distributor in Europe and supplies semiconductors, passive and electromechanical components as well as boards, storage, displays and wireless products. The company has more than 70 subsidiaries in Europe, Asia and America, employs more than 1,600 people worldwide. Rutronik also […]