Meeting the challenges of a changing workplace with Smart Spaces
Companies are currently facing a complex set of contradictions influenced by different factors. They are facing a tight job market due to a lack of skilled workers. At the same time, employees want their work environment to meet ever greater expectations. This is in contrast to non-digital work areas and illogical processes that have developed […]

Retrofitting buildings with voice assistants makes them smarter
Speech is the natural means of communication between people. No wonder that voice assistants such as Google Assistant are enjoying increasing popularity worldwide. BAB Technologie offers Google Assistant Integration for its APP MODULE, a solution for controlling smart homes and buildings, which is easy to install even as a retrofit. Many people, especially elderly homeowners, […]

Intelligente Beleuchtung per Knopfdruck
Gemeinsam mit Partnern vereinfacht Philips Hue die Steuerung intelligenter Beleuchtungssysteme. Mit über einem Jahrhundert Erfahrung in den Bereichen Beleuchtung, Technologie und Design ist Philips Hue ein echter Pionier im Bereich der intelligenten Beleuchtung. Philips Hue bietet ein einfaches, umfassendes und individualisierbares Portfolio an intelligenten Leuchten und passendem Zubehör für jedes Zuhause – und jeden Moment. Das […]

Smart lights with a switch
Philips Hue works with partners to enhance smart lighting with easy controls. With over a century of experience in lighting, technology and design, Philips Hue is the most advanced brand in smart lighting. It offers an easy, customizable and comprehensive portfolio of smart lights and accessories that complement any home — and any moment. The […]

Smart office solution
Digital Catapult requested a smart office solution for employee use and showcase purposes in its Future Networks Lab. The focus areas specified by Digital Catapult were desk and meeting room utilization and air quality monitoring. Hot desking Digital Catapult needed a quicker way of checking whether hot desks or meeting rooms were available. The company […]

Intelligente Bürolösung
Digital Catapult gab eine intelligente Bürolösung für seine Mitarbeiter sowie zu Präsentationszwecken in seinem Future Networks Lab in Auftrag. Dabei legte das Unternehmen seinen Fokus auf das Belegungsmanagement für Arbeitsplätze und Besprechungsräume sowie die Überwachung der Luftqualität. Hotdesking Digital Catapult benötigte eine effektivere Methode, um die Verfügbarkeit von Arbeitsplätzen und Besprechungsräumen abzufragen. In seinem Büro […]

Smart buildings – more than energy efficiency
Our society is facing major challenges – caused by a global transformation. These include climate change and the need to drastically cut CO2 emissions. However, global developments such as increasing urbanization and aging populations also demand answers. Business as usual is simply not working anymore. In exaggerated terms, this means that simply constructing higher buildings […]

Smart Buildings können mehr als Energieeffizienz
Unsere Gesellschaft steht – verursacht durch weltweite Veränderungen – vor großen Herausforderungen. Dazu zählt der Klimawandel mit der Notwendigkeit den CO2-Ausstoß drastisch zu reduzieren. Aber auch globale Entwicklungen wie die steigende Urbanisierung oder die alternde Bevölkerung verlangen nach Antworten. Einfach weitermachen nach dem Motto „More of the same“ funktioniert nicht mehr. Überspitzt ausgedrückt bedeutet dies, […]

Energy harvesting technology in the radiator valve
Environmentally neutral power generation and interoperability are two important cornerstones of any smart home. The SmartValve radiator valve from MinebeaMitsumi operates without a connection to a battery or power supply and can easily be integrated into any existing smart home system. Electrical voltage is generated from the temperature difference between the heating system and room […]

EnOcean with new salespeople
Three in one go – this was the motto of EnOcean’s sales team expansion in 2019. In the United States, Dennis Fairfield is joining the East Coast sales team. With his many years of expertise in control and motion engineering, he will drive EnOcean’s rapidly growing IoT business forward. Simon Johnson has also recently come […]