IBM brings cognitive to the Internet of Things
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The rules are that there are no rules! Traditional computing systems are designed to handle specific scenarios and data sets, but with the Internet of Things, or as it’s affectionately known, “IoT”, data comes together from a wide variety of sources. Data from traditional enterprise systems, images, videos, sound and the IoT devices themselves is being used with data from social media, weather or geo-location, which provides the context and relevance that sharpens insights. IBM has moved past simply collecting IoT data and is now using cognitive capabilities to put the physical world to work.
IBM Watson IoT Platform
At IBM, the Watson IoT team provides capabilities specific to industries (for example automotive, electronics, insurance), horizontal applications (including building and facilities management, asset management), systems engineering tools and the IBM Watson IoT Platform that ties everything together. This is a highly secure, scalable and open platform that allows easy entry into Internet of Things initiatives for developers and engineers. with capabilities around IoT device connectivity, data and information management, risk management, and advanced analytics, IBM cannot only help companies collect and access data, but also glean insights from it that will change the way of thinking about business. This provides for a special solution when combined with the cognitive analytics capabilities from IBM, which are all available to developers over APIs.
Does end-to-end solution sound like a buzzword? Maybe. But with the Internet of Things, you need one. The IBM ecosystem of IoT partners provides value from helping to select and connect embedded devices and creating first IoT applications, to employing solutions built for specific industry applications. Digital Concepts, element14, and EnOcean provide products for IoT kits that are “ready for Watson IoT”-certified, indicating that they have pre-built solutions which are already integrated into the IBM watson IoT Platform.
Intelligent cloud-based solutions
Internet of Things use cases are so varied, it is hard to pick one, or two… or three, but here are some of the recent exciting announcements from IBM:
- Local Motors debuted “Olli”, the first vehicle to utilize the cloud-based cognitive computing capability of IBM Watson IoT to analyze and learn from high volumes of transportation data, produced by more than 30 sensors embedded throughout the vehicle. The platform leverages four watson developer APIs – Speech to Text, Natural Language Classifier, Entity Extraction and Text to Speech – to enable seamless interactions between the vehicle and passengers. An amazing experience.

Thanks to the cloudbased cognitive computing function and integrated sensors, “Olli” moves all by itself.
- North Star BlueScope Steel is applying IBM Watson Internet of Things technology and wearable devices to help protect workers in extreme environments. The IBM Employee Wellness and Safety Solution identifies potentially problematic conditions by collecting data from various sensors that continuously monitor the worker’s body temperature, heart rate, galvanic skin response and level of activity, correlated with sensor data for ambient temperature and humidity. The solution then alerts North Star management so they can provide personalized safety guidelines to each employee.
- ISS, a leading global provider of facility services, has signed a commercial agreement with IBM to use the power of Watson IoT to transform the management of over 25,000 buildings around the world.
The possibilities are so endless; you may not know where to start. Throughout the IBM digital, self-service IoT platform, you can get going right away. Use the IBM developer-Works recipes, which let you combine elements from existing projects your peers have submitted and use them to jump-start your own. Then contribute back to the community by sharing your materials and inspiring someone else.
Check out to find the latest details on inspiring use cases, platform enhancements, ecosystem partnerships and resources for developers. Start your IoT project today!
EnOcean now “Ready for IBM Watson IoT”
EnOcean is proud to be one of the first IBM Business Partners to use the mark “ready for IBM Watson IoT”. EnOcean joined forces with element14, Digital Concepts and IBM to introduce the certified “Intelligent Building – Self Powered IoT Solution” kit, which is an Enterprise Edition using IBM Watson IoT Platform and self-powered EnOcean-based sensor solutions for Real Estate Management. This kit cleanly integrates with Watson IoT to securely connect and manage devices, analyze data, and apply cognitive services.
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