Signal Watcher – the wireless sensor for machine monitoring in factories
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Inaba Denki Sangyo has incorporated EnOcean wireless technology by developing a wireless sensor attached to a signal lamp that sends the following information: light on / blinking / light off. With this device, it’s possible to view the condition of machines in factories and determine whether they are working smoothly.
The characteristics of the Signal Watcher
The Signal Watcher is attached to the signal lamp on the outside of the machines in a factory. It was developed as a sensor that collects information from the machine based on the status of the light signals.
When it comes to factory facilities like universal machines, leased machines and inspection machines that need calibration, it is very difficult for users to coordinate reconfiguration or manage operation.
This is where Inaba comes in, with a sensor that can be easily attached later on without having to reconfigure existing facilities. According to this concept, the target device is electrically isolated and can be attached to the machine later on. This is possible because the device is battery-less, wireless and maintenance-free. The device runs solely on solar power which is enough to keep the device running. EnOcean technology was essential for this energy harvesting solution. A backup battery in the device enables it to run for years, even in spaces without any light.
Retrofit design
The Signal Watcher is intended not only for signal lamp manufacturers, but can also be used for retrofit designs. Existing signal lamps vary in terms of diameter and speakers on the upper surface, which is why Inaba has designed a mount that can easily be attached to construction types where attachment is normally difficult.
For unobstructed visibility and functionality and to keep the weight to a minimum, the device is miniaturized and its color is matched to that of the signal lamp. The dimensions of the light-detecting component are also minimized. In order to optimize the design stage, Inaba is implementing a retrofit design (patent pending).
IoT approach for factory facilities
In the future, Inaba will also be adopting EnOcean solutions for machines that will support the visualization of facilities within a factory. In addition, Inaba will continue to support will customers and companies with IoT projects.
The development team is currently working on a general-purpose gateway that can be used as an interface to higher-level systems, as well as on the connection to FA peripheral equipment and the link to HMI (Human Machine Interface) display tools. In the future, Inaba is also planning to supply products for implementing the IoT in factory facilities.
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