Making intelligent building Systems available to everyone
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Cycles of innovation follow a natural pattern, with the development of enabling hardware and infrastructure taking place first, and the software to utilize it following shortly after. We’ve witnessed this in the innovation-driving Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, where the rapidly decreasing cost of sensor technology such as EnOcean’s self-powered IoT devices, has triggered widespread investment in systems designed to bring our buildings to life.
These systems improve operational processes, transform tenant experience and automate building management to deliver greater energy efficiency. However, the software needed to make this data available to everyone that uses our built environments is only now beginning to emerge.
Technical users can access live sensor data via Building Information Modelling (BIM) or Building Automation Systems (BAS). This is a start, but the utility of live building data goes beyond engineers and automation specialists. Non-technical employees and tenants also stand to gain significant benefits, but lack the appropriate tools.
A living, digital map
We believe that the most natural interface for understanding and experiencing a physical environment is a map. Specifically, when discussing a connected built environment: a living, breathing digital map. These are simple to use and can be delivered direct to
mobile devices. By visualizing a building’s layout, its assets, and the data it produces, an interactive digital map acts as a simple but powerful interface for an intelligent
building system.
Intelligent asset management
Consider the opportunity for commercial tenants: A digital map, accessible via desktop or mobile browser and connected to EnOcean sensors gives workers the ability to instantly see which hot desks and meeting rooms are unoccupied, and book the one that’s closest to them. This eliminates time wasted searching for rooms and the associated stress it causes, increasing productivity. For security staff, a digital map of a complex indoor environment can visualize wireless EnOcean door and window sensor information to show the live status of every access point to the building, as well as show the exact location of any unexpected motion sensor activity immediately. For facilities contractors, a mobile map of an unfamiliar environment provides a more efficient way to fix assets that have developed faults, alerting staff to issues in real-time and enabling them to locate assets faster.
Bringing buildings to life
Increased connectivity has the potential to transform every building process, but delivering on the promise of greater operational efficiency and better user experience depends on our ability to combine the best hardware available with software that connects people to their building in a seamless, intuitive way. This requires us to leverage best-in-class technology from providers such as EnOcean, whose self-powered sensors bring buildings to life; Living Map, whose intuitive digital map platform makes that information simple to digest; and partners such as IBM, whose Watson IoT platform provides the cognitive capability to create powerful new IoT applications.

The digital map visualizes sensor data and thus provides a powerful interface for an intelligent building system.
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