Digital Twins in the IoT
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way people live and work. Beyond the smart devices you use every day, IoT is revolutionizing the way companies do business, enabling them to become faster, smarter, safer and more efficient.
Microsoft has been at the forefront of IoT with innovative solutions such as Azure Digital Twins. Azure Digital Twins is an IoT service that creates comprehensive models of the physical environment. It can create spatial intelligence graphs to model the relationships and interactions between people, spaces and devices such as sensors.
With Azure Digital Twins, you can query data from a physical space rather than from many disparate sensors. This service helps you build reusable, highly scalable, spatially aware experiences that link streaming data across the digital and physical world.
Solutions that benefit from a Digital Twin
A solution such as Azure Digital Twins is useful for representing the physical world and its many relationships. It simplifies IoT modeling, data processing, event handling and device tracking. Consider just a few of the following scenarios across several industries. They benefit from its use to:
- Show a property management company the occupancy levels of a space over time in order to glean insights about the best ways to configure its office building.
- Trigger work order tickets for a mobile app. Use it to dispatch security guards and schedule janitorial and other services in a retail space or sports venue.
- Show building occupants which rooms are occupied in a building in real time. Then help occupants reserve work spaces that fit their needs.
- Track where assets are located within a space.
- Optimize electric vehicle charging by modeling user preferences and energy-grid constraints.
Products with EnOcean-based technology, like the maintenance-free wireless sensors, make it possible to capture valuable data in the physical world, transfer it in real time to an IoT cloud platform via an IoT gateway and analyze it there. Using Azure Digital Twins, users can thus connect their sensor data to many powerful Azure services.
Azure Digital Twins uses Azure IoT Hub to connect the IoT devices and sensors that keep everything up to date with the physical world. The following diagram shows how Azure Digital Twins relates to other Azure IoT services.
Microsoft joins EnOcean Alliance
As a new promoter member of the EnOcean Alliance, Microsoft encourages innovation and standardization in intelligent building control and actively shapes the future of the international consortium.
“IoT brings us huge opportunities to improve all of our lives, including comfort, security, energy efficiency and cost savings. To do this in buildings, we need to digitalize building spaces in order to provide the necessary data as well as powerful AI analytic and representation tools. Thus, I see this as a perfect marriage, with EnOcean wireless and maintenance-free, interoperable sensors from multi-vendors providing the necessary data and Microsoft offering the perfect platform solutions to analyze and optimize our buildings,” says Graham Martin, Chairman and CEO of the EnOcean Alliance.
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