An intelligent smart home solution for vacation homes
The realization of the energy transition is a key political and social issue in many countries. Also in the Netherlands, companies and institutions are facing ...
The realization of the energy transition is a key political and social issue in many countries. Also in the Netherlands, companies and institutions are facing ...
For Building Asset Managers office space optimization is one of the three global megatrends alongside energy management and wellbeing. Owners and tenants of office buildings ...
First COVID-19, then the energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine – in both cases, buildings play a central role and pose unexpected challenges ...
The new headquarters on the Kiel Fjord is a milestone for the Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH): 700 employees, who were previously spread across eight different locations, ...
With the 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations has defined goals to facilitate a healthy and sustainable development for people and the environment. ...
In den meisten Unternehmen spielt die Senkung des Energieverbrauchs eine zentrale Rolle für die Einhaltung der Klimaschutzziele. Dies gilt insbesondere für Fertigungsbetriebe, die künftig auf ...
Interview with Isabel Scheidemacher, Head of Project Management, and Frank Lettmann, Divisional Head of Electrical Engineering Planning and Building Automation at LAE Engineering GmbH. What issues ...
It’s time to return to the office. At Altyor headquarters in France, employees can do so with confidence. IoT solutions help prevent virus spread, respect ...
BASgatewayEO, a BACnet to EnOcean gateway from Contemporary Controls, is part of a solution that Argento Scientific developed for biopharmaceutical companies that need to prevent ...
It was clear that our working lives would change even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Concepts like New Work, digitalization and sustainability aspects were under intensive ...