Is a person leaving or entering a building? The EnOcean People Counter knows
IMBuildings is extending its product range with a new People Counter that uses the wireless EnOcean protocol. The sensor system works with infrared technology. The principle is based on the interruption of a horizontal infrared beam. This means that no cameras are installed and no personal data is gathered for counting the people passing by. […]

Verlässt oder betritt jemand das Gebäude? Der EnOcean People Counter weiß Bescheid
IMBuildings hat sein Produktsortiment um den neuen Personenzähler „People Counter“ erweitert, der das EnOcean-Funkprotokoll verwendet. Das Sensorsystem funktioniert mit Infrarot-Technologie, wobei das Prinzip auf der Unterbrechung des horizontalen Infrarotstrahls basiert. Zur Zählung der vorbeigehenden Personen müssen also weder Kameras installiert noch persönliche Daten erfasst werden. Daher erfüllt das System automatisch die Vorgaben der europäischen Datenschutz-Grundverordnung […]

Smart buckles for deliveries
Nifco often breaks new ground with its developments. The Japanese company has a strong focus on plastic products ranging from the automotive industry to daily necessities. One of the latest inventions aims to make our everyday life easier – smart buckles for goods delivery. EnOcean inside There were strong demands from companies already using buckles […]

BMS as basis for a smart hospital
BG Energy Solutions (BGES) has maintained the Building Management System (BMS) at Chesterfield Royal Hospital for about 20 years and always seeks to utilize the best of breed and latest innovative technologies where practicable. When it was recently decided to modernize a ward at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, BGES presented the building management team with an […]

Smart home for comfortable living
It’s all in the mix – DALI and EnOcean for lighting control in the smart home. Eltako now combines the best of both worlds. In the Professional Smart Home system from Eltako, users can enjoy the benefits of the EnOcean wireless protocol and the DALI lighting standard. DALI is a global standard for professional lighting […]

Smart buildings in the context of New Work
The working world is changing, and the current coronavirus pandemic seems to be speeding things up. This change is also impacting the buildings where people work. The construction and real estate industry is therefore focusing more and more on concepts for both New Work and smart buildings. The term “New Work” was coined by Professor […]

Dynamic space planning for offices
Office space is one of the main cost drivers for companies, comprising from 400 to 800 euros per square meter per year in France, for example, which is roughly 10,000 euros per user per year. For a long time, the objective has been to maximize space occupancy. It was formerly done via periodic reorganizations aligned […]

Smart control of lights, shutter blinds and temperature in building automation with EnOcean
The EasyClick system from Honeywell PEHA makes it possible to integrate a wireless solution for controlling lights, blinds and temperature into the building automation system without problems, using EnOcean technology. Users can thus achieve A classification for energy-efficient buildings that meet DIN EN 15232 requirements for building control in upgrade, renovation and restoration situations as […]

Modular principle for digital building automation
The demand for smart building solutions is growing continuously. Along with basic needs such as heating, cooling and shading, options such as demand-dependent cleaning and maintenance as well as workplace finders are also gaining in importance. SAUTER, the medium-sized specialist, showcases different application scenarios in its new “Smart Spaces” demonstration floors at its company headquarters […]

Smarter Wohnkomfort
Die Mischung macht’s – mit DALI und EnOcean vereint Eltako für die Beleuchtungssteuerung im Smart Home ab sofort das Beste aus zwei Welten. Im Professional Smart Home-System von Eltako können Anwender ab sofort von den Vorteilen des EnOcean-Funkprotokolls und des Beleuchtungsstandards DALI profitieren. DALI ist ein weltweit verbreiteter Standard für professionelle Beleuchtungssteuerung, der sich durch […]